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Respect Life Month- October 2024

 Respect Life Month- October 2024

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October is Respect Life Month. While the Church consistently maintains a pro-life stance, October presents pro-life ministries a special focus on all of the education, awareness, events, and community efforts they provide. Please reach out to our Pro-Life Apostolates if you would like to be involved with this ministry at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please browse through the upcoming events and education resources provided for you down below. We are excited to bring more awareness to this incredibly important ministry and all they do for our community! 

Respect Life Flyer for Oct 2024


Upcoming Events

Flyer 27Sept2024


Ways to Stand for Life

Ways to Stand for Life 1


baby box flyer standard version



Pro-Life Voter Resources 


Visit the Virignia Catholic Conference for more voting resources! Click here.