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Opportunities to serve or participate with our Outreach programs are listed below. 

Food Pantry

Team Lead: Mike Parrino - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What We Do: The Food Pantry Ministry Team proudly supports the Dulles South Food Pantry. Our team collects the pantry donations after Sunday Masses and delivers the donations to the Food Pantry. Our team also hosts food drives at Corpus Christi twice a year and volunteers at the Dulles South Food Pantry on a monthly basis.

Time Commitment: 1-2 times a year you are assigned to pick up pantry donations after 11:30 Mass and deliver to the Dulles South Food Pantry on a Monday or Wednesday. You can also sign up for any of the monthly volunteer opportunities at the Dulles South Food Pantry which are about 1 hour long.

Volunteer Ages: all ages are welcome for all events. We are the only group in the Dulles South Food Pantry when we volunteer so kids are welcome!


Fundraising Committee

Team Lead: David Labuskes - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What We Do: Our members work to inform parishioners about opportunities to support Corpus Christi’s financial needs from both the perspective of our existing building obligations as well as our future aspirations.  We also work to ensure that all the generous parishioners who have made our progress possible know how important their gifts have been and how much they are appreciated.

Time Commitment: based on your availability

Volunteer Ages: Adult


Gabriel Project

Team Lead: Kristin Boteler- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What We Do: The Gabriel Project is a parish-based ministry for pregnant women and their children offering emotional, spiritual, material, and financial support. Volunteers, which are referred to as Angels, are matched with pregnant moms with whom they make a connection with, to offer friendship and prayers during their pregnancy and beyond.

Time Commitment: Varies depending on whether we have a mom we are helping.

Volunteer Ages: Any age to be a prayer warrior for these moms and babies!  To be an Angel, we request adult women.


Homebound EMHC’s

Team Lead: Fr. Taylor – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What We Do: Our Sick & Homebound Extraordinary Ministry visits the homes of our Corpus Christi Parishioners, Encompass Rehabilitation Hospital and Adler Center for Caring patients each weekend.  The Church teaches us to be merciful in various ways.  Our ministry's corporal work of mercy visits each of our local sick and homebound with the Blessed Sacrament of Holy Communion every weekend.   

Time Commitment: Sick & Homebound Extraordinary Ministers (S&H EMers) visit 3 parishioner homes or patient care facilities [on average] each month, ranging between 10 to 40 minutes (It all depends on how long you choose to stay and meet with each sick or homebound ... it goes by fast!).  S&H EMers typically choose to schedule their visits immediately after the Mass service of their choosing. 

Volunteer Ages: You must be a trained Extraordinary Minister in order to volunteer for this merciful ministry.  Specific training will be provided.


Homebound Meals

Team Lead: Michele Salzano - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What We Do: We are a group of volunteers who cook and deliver meals to parishioners in need.  Whether homebound, new mom or for any other needs, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Time Commitment: As needed.

Volunteer Ages: Adults as driving required.


Knights of Columbus

Team Lead: Ron Stephens - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What We Do: The Knights of Columbus is the largest lay organization in the Catholic Church and our mission is to support our families, our parish, our priests and our community.

Time Commitment: Be a 24 hour Knight - a combined 24 hours of volunteer work, Mass support, program support and meeting attendance in a given year. Being a Knight is less burdensome than you think.

Volunteer Ages: Catholic men age 18 and older are encouraged to step forward and be leaders in our faith community.


Pro-Life Apostolate

Team Lead:  Susan Autry - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What We Do: Inform the parish about major pro-life events (March for Life, 40 days for Life). Possibly provide information for weekly pro-life corner in the bulletin. Be a liaison for the Church with the Arlington Pro-life department. 

Time Commitment: varies based on your schedule

Volunteer Ages: adult

For more information regarding our Pro-Life Ministry, go to: https://corpuschristisr.org/news/prolife-news-events


Bereavement Group

Team Lead: Scott Rubens- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What We Do: We come together as a group to support and walk with those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. We will provide a safe space for those grieving to share their experiences, help others, and to walk with the Lord during this time. 

Time Commitment: We will be meeting monthly in the Church. 

Age of Those Who Participate: All are welcome regardless of age, faith, background, etc.