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Religious Education (Grades 1-12)

Welcome to Corpus Christi Church Religious Education


With these elements, we seek to cultivate the hearts, minds, and souls of our students to their fullest potential.

RE Core Elements 1 2


High School Foundations of Faith 2024-2025 (Grades 9 - 12)

The High School Religious Education class, CCD, grades 9-12 only, will be held at the Parish Office two Sunday afternoons per month after 11:30 am Mass.  
Lunch and games will be provided.
There is no fee to attend.  Please register by emailing Mr. Chris Costello at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our first class will meet: September 22, 2024
This year's topic:  TBD
We hope that you will join us!  And bring a friend!

Class Schedule:  2024-2025_High_School_Calendar.pdf



Religious Education 2024-2025 (Grades 1 - 8)


Families MUST be registered with the Parish prior to enrolling in religious education.

Your Parish ID number is necessary for the enrollment process.

The Parish ID number can be obtained from your offering envelopes, faith direct under “update personal information tab “or by contacting the Parish Office.

 Students returning to the program must re-register each year.

First Holy Communion and Confirmation are TWO-YEAR programsTo receive these Sacraments, your child must complete both years.


Registrations are considered complete when:

  1. Online Registration form is submitted.
  1. Online payment is complete through FAITH DIRECT
  1. BAPTISM and BIRTH certificate submitted for Students enrolling to prepare for First Holy Communion or Confirmation, including Sacrament Prep (students missing a Sacrament).




Corpus Christi Religious Ed Classes are held Monday evenings from 6:00 - 7:15 PM at St. Paul VI Catholic High School

42341 Braddock Rd, Chantilly, VA 20152 


Religious Education Calendar

***last updated on 9/1/2024***

2024-2025 Registration is Closed


Click here for: 2024-2025 First Penance & First Holy Communion Preparation Agreement


New Cell Phone Policy - updated 9/6/2023

We also request that students refrain from wearing pajamas to CCD classes.


Please click here to access the Catholic Diocese of Arlington:  A Catechesis on the Human Person & Gender Ideology


Examination of Conscience and Confession Guide



Click here for the form for Religious Education Volunteer



 Parish Contact - D'Annie Cruz - Director of Religious Education

email: dThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

phone: 703-378-1037